Want to know how to get sparkling clear pool water for your pool? Finally, the time to open the Haynes Parrot Party Paradise Pool (a.k.a. our family swimming pool) has arrived, and The Anchor Dot is sharing her tips to get sparkling clear pool water in just three days, as well as how to ensure your pool water stays sparkling clear all summer long.

Here are The Anchor Dot's step by step instructions to get clear pool water in 3 days!
Sparkling Clear Pool Water in Just 3 Days!
Clear Pool Water - Day 1
- Remove the pool cover and store away until the end of summer.
- Replace jet plugs with eyeball jets.
- Start up the pump.
- Dip as much trash out of the pool as possible.
- Turn on the pump.
- Vacuum to get dirt and algae off the bottom.
- Perform a double shock treatment, which consists of adding four 1-lb bags of shock to the pool water to kill the algae.
- Add one 32-ounce bottle of algicide to the water.
- Add three chlorine tablets to the skimmer basket.
Clear Pool Water - Day 2
- Brush sides and bottom of pool with a brush to knock down algae (and repeat this process daily until water is clear).
- Vacuum dead algae up off the bottom again every day until it is gone.
Clear Pool Water - Day 3
- Do a test strip to check PH levels and to get the chemicals balanced. If your PH and alkalinity are off, take a water sample to a pool supplier to analyze it and determine what needs to be added to your water.
Clear Pool Water - Regular Summer Maintenance
- Daily - Clean out the skimmer basket.
- Dip out any objects (leaves, bugs, and occasional mouse, etc.) that fall into the pool.
- Do a test strip weekly to check all levels and see if anything needs to be added. Staying on top of keeping the pool water balanced is the key to maintaining sparkling clear pool water. You don't want things to get out of control, thus making it harder and more expensive to clear up.
- Add chlorine tablets as they diminish, which is more often during the hotter part of the summer. During those times, The Anchor Dot says she will need to add tablets every three days.

MONEY SAVING TIP: If the pool supplier tells you that your alkalinity is low, you will need to add sodium chloride, which is simply baking soda. Instead of paying pool retailer prices, you can buy large bags (15 lbs) of baking soda at Sam's Club or Walmart. The Anchor Dot says the pool supplier will instruct you how many pounds you need to add at a time. Buying baking soda will cost you half the price of sodium chloride at the pool retailer.
Hopefully, you have found these tips helpful and that it will lead to you having clear pool water all summer long. The Anchored Style is super appreciative that the Anchor Dot has the magic touch when it comes to mastering clear pool water! (Thanks, Mom!)
Wishing y'all lots of sunny days to enjoy endless pool days. :)